1-on-1 Postpartum Yoga by Wenwen (Sunny)
Suitable for all levels | Language of Instruction: English, 中文
Class Description
Postpartum yoga/Pilates is a form of exercise designed specifically for women who have recently given birth. It focuses on gentle movements, stretches, and strengthening exercises to help new mothers recover from childbirth, regain strength, and restore balance in their bodies. Postpartum yoga/Pilates classes typically incorporate exercises that target the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, and back, addressing common areas of weakness and discomfort experienced after childbirth. Additionally, this class often include relaxation techniques and breathing exercises to promote stress relief and mental well-being during the postpartum period. 产后瑜伽/普拉提是一种专为刚刚分娩的女性设计的运动形式,侧重于温和的运动、拉伸和强化练习,帮助新妈妈从分娩中恢复,恢复力量,并重新平衡身体。产后瑜伽/普拉提课程通常包含针对腹部肌肉、盆底肌肉和背部的锻炼,解决分娩后常见的虚弱和不适。此外,这个课程还经常包括放松技巧和呼吸练习,以在产后期间促进压力缓解和心理健康。 Suitable for(适合人群): Moms whose prenatal examination data are normal after 42 days after normal delivery, and moms who have recovered from the incision after caesarean section, and moms whose pelvic floor and abdominal muscles cannot recover on their own after delivery. 产后42天产检数据正常的顺产妈妈,刨宫产手术伤口恢复的妈妈,盆底肌肉和腹肌在产后未自行恢复的妈妈 Benefits(益处): - Strengthens Core Muscles: Helps to rebuild and strengthen abdominal and pelvic floor muscles weakened during pregnancy and childbirth. 增强核心肌群: 帮助重新构建并加强怀孕和分娩期间变弱的腹部和盆底肌肉。 - Improves Posture: Promotes better alignment and posture, which can alleviate back pain and discomfort associated with caring for a newborn. 改善姿势: 促进更好的身体对齐和姿势,有助于缓解因照顾新生儿而产生的背部疼痛和不适。 - Promotes Relaxation: Incorporates relaxation techniques and breathing exercises to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall mental well-being. 促进放松: 包含放松技巧和呼吸练习,减轻压力,促进放松,并改善整体心理健康。 - Increases Flexibility: Gentle stretching exercises help to improve flexibility and range of motion, which can be beneficial for relieving muscle tension and tightness. 增加柔韧性: 温和的拉伸运动有助于改善柔韧性和活动范围,有效缓解肌肉紧张和僵硬。 - Aids in Recovery: Supports the body's recovery process after childbirth by promoting circulation, reducing swelling, and alleviating muscle soreness. 加速恢复: 通过促进循环、减少肿胀和缓解肌肉酸痛,支持身体的产后恢复过程。 - Enhances Mood: Releases endorphins and promotes a sense of well-being, which can help reduce symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety. 提升情绪: 释放内啡肽,带来幸福感,有助于减轻产后抑郁和焦虑症状。

Cancellation Policy
Booking(预定): - Book all classes in advance via the Wenyoga website or app. 所有课程必须通过官网或App提前预约。 - Classes can be booked up to 15 days ahead, no later than 30 minutes before class. 课程可提前15天预约,最晚需在开课前30分钟完成。 Cancellation and Rescheduling(取消和改期): - Cancel or reschedule for free up to 24 hours before class. 开课前24小时可免费取消或改期。 - Within 24 hours, a cancellation fee applies. Within 3 hours, the full fee applies. No rescheduling. For bookings paid with a Gift card or coupon, a cancel fee request will be sent later. Please complete payment within 1 day, or the account will be blocked. 24小时内取消需支付取消费,3小时内取消需支付全款。均不可改期。使用Gift card或优惠券支付的,取消后会收到取消费账单,请在1天内支付,否则账户将被限制。 - After a one-class paying member cancels, they will receive an equivalent, non-expiring coupon via email within 3 days, which can be used for classes, packages, or products (but not for e-gift cards). Package users get the session back in 1 day. 单次付费会员取消课程后, 将在3天内收到等值的无限期优惠券(不适用于电子礼品卡),可用于课包、会员或商品。课包会员的课时将在1天内退回账户。 Arrival Time(到达时间): - Arrive 5 mins early for check-in and setup. 请至少提前5分钟签到、准备。 - Arrivals up to 15 mins late will not be allowed to join the class. 迟到超过15分钟将无法参加课程。 - Non-attendance/late arrival incurs full fee. No refunds for one-class; package users forfeit session。 因非不可抗力原因未能出席或迟到,将收取全额费用。单次付费用户不予退款;课包用户不退还课时。 Attire and Requirements(着装和要求): - Wear comfortable, waist-covering athletic clothing without buttons, zippers, or metal accessories. 穿着盖住腰部的舒适运动服,无扣子、拉链或金属配饰。 - For safety, remove all jewelry, watches, hairpins, and sharp items. 为安全起见,请勿佩戴珠宝、手表、发夹和尖锐物品。 - Recommend bringing your own mat and towel, although natural rubber mats are available for rent at $5 per class. 建议自带瑜伽垫和擦汗巾,虽然我们也提供每次$5租用天然橡胶垫。 - Stay focused, ensure your phone is on silent, and store it outside or in Wenyoga’s lockers. 保持专注,手机请静音并放在教室外或Wenyoga提供的储物柜中。 - Bring drinking water for yourself. 携带足够的饮用水。 Health and Safety(健康与安全): - For participation in postpartum classes, individuals must wait until 42 days after a vaginal birth or until the cesarean incision has fully healed. 顺产42天后或剖腹产刀口恢复后,可以参加产后课程练习。 - For the first attendance, please arrive 10 minutes early for an assessment of abdominal muscle separation, intra-abdominal pressure, and other factors. 第一次参加课程时,请提前10分钟到达,以便评估腹直肌分离、腹压状态及其他。 - Inform the teacher of any exercise precautions advised by your doctor. 医生提醒的任何运动注意事项,请告知导师。 - Please inform the teacher of any other special health concerns before the class begins. 其他一切特殊健康问题,请在课程开始前告知导师。
Contact Details
505 S Pastoria Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA