1-on-2 Vinyasa by Jill (Sunnyvale)
Suitable for all levels | Language of Instruction: English, 中文
Class Description
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic style of yoga that links movement and breath together in a flowing sequence. Each pose transitions smoothly into the next, creating a continuous flow of movement that helps build strength, flexibility, and balance. Vinyasa yoga encourages mindfulness and breath control, offering a full-body workout that also supports mental well-being. Vinyasa瑜伽是一种动态的瑜伽风格,将动作与呼吸连贯结合在一起。每个体式之间自然流畅地过渡,形成一个连续的动作流,帮助增强力量、柔韧性和平衡感。Vinyasa瑜伽鼓励正念和呼吸控制,不仅是全身的锻炼,也有助于心理健康。 Suitable for(适合人群): - Individuals looking for a challenging, dynamic yoga practice. 适合寻找具有挑战性、动态瑜伽练习的人群。 - Those who want to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance. 希望增强力量、柔韧性和耐力的人。 - Yoga practitioners seeking a meditative flow to reduce stress and improve focus. 寻求通过冥想流瑜伽减压并提高专注力的练习者。 Group Formation(组队): For multi-person sessions, participants are required to form their own groups, as Wenyoga does not provide partner matching. 多人私教课程,需自行组队,Wenyoga不提供同伴匹配。 Benefits(益处): - Builds Strength: Increases muscle strength, particularly in the core, arms, and legs, through continuous movement and weight-bearing poses. 增强力量: 通过持续的动作和负重体式,增强核心、手臂和腿部的肌肉力量。 - Improves Flexibility: The flowing nature of Vinyasa helps improve overall body flexibility. 提高柔韧性: Vinyasa流畅的动作帮助提高全身的柔韧性。 - Promotes Mindfulness: Fosters mental focus and body awareness by synchronizing breath with movement. 促进正念: 通过呼吸与动作的同步,培养心理专注力和身体意识。 - Enhances Cardiovascular Health: The continuous flow of movement can increase heart rate, improving cardiovascular health. 增强心血管健康: 连续的动作流可以提高心率,促进心血管健康。 - Reduces Stress: The combination of movement and mindful breathing helps relieve stress and promote relaxation. 减轻压力: 动作与正念呼吸的结合,有助于减轻压力,促进放松。 - Improves Balance: Vinyasa’s varied postures help develop better physical and mental balance. 改善平衡: Vinyasa中的多样体式有助于提高身体和心理的平衡感。

Cancellation Policy
Booking(预定): - Book all classes in advance via the Wenyoga website or app.所有课程必须通过官网或App提前预约。 - Classes can be booked up to 15 days ahead, no later than 30 minutes before class.课程可提前15天预约,最晚需在开课前30分钟完成。 Cancellation and Rescheduling(取消和改期): - If no partner joins within 12 hours, booking cancels automatically. If not and you attend, charges will be based on attendance, and the difference must be paid (e.g., if 1 attend a 1v2 class, it will proceed at the 1v1 rate). 预约12小时后无同伴加入,系统将自动取消订单。若未取消,如果到场,将按实际到场人数收费,需补齐差价。(例如,1v2课程如果只有1人到场,课程将按1v1收取差价) - Please discuss with partners first and cancel together through your own account. 请提前与您的同伴沟通,并通过各自的账户一起取消。 - Free cancellation/rescheduling up to 24 hrs before class. 开课前24小时可免费取消或改期。 - Fees apply within 24 hrs, and full fee within 3 hrs. For bookings paid with a Gift card or coupon, a cancel fee request will be sent later. Please complete payment within 1 day, or the account will be blocked. 24小时内取消需支付取消费,3小时内取消需支付全款。使用Gift card或优惠券支付的,取消后会收到取消费账单,请在1天内支付,否则账户将被限制。 - After a one-class paying member cancels, they will receive an equivalent, non-expiring coupon via email within 3 days, which can be used for classes, packages, or products (but not for e-gift cards). Package users get the session back in 1 day. 单次付费会员取消课程后, 将在3天内收到等值的无限期优惠券(不适用于电子礼品卡),可用于课包、会员或商品。课包会员的课时将在1天内退回账户。 Arrival Time(到达时间): - Please arrive at least 5 mins before class for check-in, changing, and setup. 请至少提前5分钟到达教室,进行签到、更衣和准备。 - Arrivals up to 15 mins late will not be allowed to join the class. 迟到超过15分钟将无法参加课程。 - Failure to attend or being late for non-force majeure reasons incurs the full fee. No refunds for one-class payments; package users forfeit the session.因非不可抗力原因未能出席或迟到,将收取全额费用。单次付费用户不予退款;课包用户不退还课时。 Attire&Requirements(着装和要求): - Wear comfortable yoga attire. 请穿着舒适瑜伽服。 - For safety, remove all jewelry, watches, hairpins, and sharp items. 请勿佩戴珠宝、手表、发夹和尖锐物品。 - Bring your own mat and towel. 自带瑜伽垫和擦汗巾。 - Silence and store phone. 手机静音并存放。 - Bring sufficient drinking water. 携带足够的饮用水。 Health and Safety(健康与安全): - Participants with health issues or injuries should consult their doctor before attending classes. 有健康问题或受伤者应在参加课程前咨询医生。 - Pregnant individuals or those with specific health concerns should inform the teacher before class. 怀孕或有特殊健康问题者应在课程前告知导师。 Class Types and Levels(课程类型和水平): - Select the class type and level that fits your health and experience. If unsure, consult our teacher for guidance. 请根据健康状况和经验选择合适的课程。如有疑问,请咨询导师。
Contact Details
505 S Pastoria Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA